Bad breath is quite annoying. It affects the entire social and business life of the person.
The reason for having bad odor in the mouth can usually occur as a result of the person’s inability to fully provide oral hygiene or a systemic disease.

What can be done against bad breath?
- Gum diseases have to be treated.
- Oral hygiene has to be taken care of.
- Possible problematic prosthetic restorations that may cause odor has to be renewed.
- If dry mouth is accompanied by a complaint, treatment plans should be considered.
- It is recommended to quit habits such as the use of tobacco products that cause odor.

General Anesthesia;
- In children with cooperation disorder,
- In patients with severe dental phobia,
- It is an anesthesia method used for successful completion of treatments in many surgical operations where local anesthesia will be insufficient in disabled patients who have difficulty in cooperation.
In this treatment method, which is performed by putting our patients to sleep in the hospital environment, the patients are put to sleep and the treatment is performed. All dental treatments can be performed by putting our patients to sleep under general anesthesia.
Frequently Asked Questions
1-People with advanced dental anxiety
2-Children with cooperation disorder
3-Disabled individuals
4-People who are allergic to local anesthetic substances
5-Surgical operation patients for whom local anesthesia will be insufficient
6-Babies and toddlers
7-People who want the treatment to be completed in a single session
1- To prevent the feeling of pain
2- Reducing the feeling of stress and anxiety
3- To provide sufficient muscle laxity for the surgical operation
The duration of treatment with general anesthesia takes between 1 and 3 hours, depending on the type of operation.
Sedation is a state of sleep that is given to the patient by anesthesiologists while he is conscious, by administering some drugs. It is not general anesthesia, but patients do not feel any pain or pain in minor surgical interventions. In the sedation state, the patient is conscious and can receive commands from his doctor.
Sedation is applied in disabled patients because it provides more comfortable working. There are two types of sedation, medium and deep. Usually, the patient can react to very serious pain, but he does not feel pain. It differs from narcosis in many ways. A deep sleep state does not occur as in narcosis.No tube is placed in the mouth and throat during sedation. It provides a very comfortable working space for the doctor. Sedation applied to patients with a low pain threshold allows the treatment to be carried out comfortably both for the patient and the physician.
In addition, sedation can be applied comfortably in patients with dental phobia and gag reflex.