Immedita Implant / Implant in a day
It can be defined as the process of making implants in one day instead of the extracted teeth of the patients.

It is possible to apply implants in 24 hours if there is no obstacle for the implant operation after the detailed examination we have done for our patients who will be implanted. If implantation is planned after tooth extraction, if there is no pathology such as infection or abscess in the tooth planned to be extracted, implant application can be made in one day immediately after tooth extraction.
After the implant placement is completed, we need to wait an average of 3 months for the implant to fuse with the bone.

Our patients will use temporary prostheses during this treatment period and the problem of being toothless, albeit temporarily, is prevented.
Frequently Asked Questions Related to Implant Dental Treatment
Although there are many factors that affect the length of the treatment, in a standard implant procedure, each implant is placed in the jawbone for approximately 5-10 minutes by maxillofacial surgeons who have obtained competence from the Department of Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery.
As a result of the developing state-of-the-art technology and various researches, it has now become possible to treat missing or needing teeth during the day and that our patients do not lose their teeth even for a short time. Implant application in 24 hours (immediate) is suitable for patients whose bone criteria is sufficient, who have lost all their teeth or whose teeth need to be extracted, and for all patients who do not have any pathology or infection in the jawbones or teeth.
After the procedure, non-permanent teeth are placed on the implants. Permanent teeth are attached to the patient following the completion of the required time for the compatibility of the implant tooth with the bone.
Patients should be carefully evaluated for their systemic condition, bone levels, bone thickness, and biological and anatomical limitations.
There is a possibility that implant treatment may be inconvenient for patients who have an uncontrolled systemic disease and receive radiotherapy and chemotherapy. For this reason, patients should share their entire medical history with their doctors in detail, and treatment planning should be shaped accordingly.
Before the implant operation, which is a surgical application, only the application area is deeply anesthetized with local anesthesia. Thus, patients do not feel any pain whatsoever. After the procedure, with the medications given and various precautions given by your doctor, the post-operative period can be overcome without pain and swelling.
After the application, you can use your non-permanent dental prosthesis fixed on the implant teeth immediately, eat, talk and continue your daily activities.
However, during the 3-month period, which is the process of fusion of implant teeth and bone, you should apply the diet recommended by your doctor. You can return to your usual diet after permanent prostheses are placed.
The life of implant teeth is the same as natural teeth. It can be for life if the patient takes care of their dental hygiene.
Implant treatment fees vary according to the implant tooth brand used. Implant teeth, which are placed as an alternative to natural teeth in the mouth for a lifetime, are among the treatments that should not be delayed in terms of preventing irreversible bone loss and ensuring the continuity of aesthetics and function.